Brand New Video Training

with Carl White

and Chris Johnstone!

Learn The 5 Best Ways To Double Your Mortgage Business while working LESS


Get direct access to the business plan and systems responsible for over $1.6 Billion in Funded Loans Last Year.

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1) Get The Weekly Routine That Guarantees You Implement The 20% of The Activities That Generate 80% of your Results and Income!

Never feel overwhelmed or stuck in your mortgage business again!

This weekly plan gets you out of your files and implementing a simple weekly plan that covers all of your Core Growth Systems and builds incredible momentum and results!

This is the same blueprint that every single one of our Loan Officers that are earning a million dollars or more in annual income a year is following.

We show you the exact plan that can double your business no matter what volumes you are doing right now.

2) Discover How Just One "Power Hour" Can Double Your Income.

With Exactly What To Do Each Day!

Start working Smart not hard! The second part of this training gives you the specific Daily Growth Activity that you need to follow each day of the week.

Learn exactly what to do each day of the week, with who, when, why, and what results to expect!

This makes it so you can achieve your growth goals with as little as 30 minutes of focused effort each day!

3) Hear How Carl Went From Just 2 Loans In His First Month To Now Having A Team Closing Over 740 a Month!

While Only Working 4 Days A Week and Doing Only The Work That He Loves To Do!

This is the secret to how Loan Officers just like you are doubling their volumes while taking Fridays and the weekends off!

During this third and crucial lesson, you will learn how to stop chasing conditions, get out of your files and finally remove the parts of your business that you don't enjoy.

Once you get this incredible business growth plan and information you will be able to build a business where you only have to work on the activities that build the business and that you enjoy doing!

4) How We Are Creating A Massive Return From Online Marketing Doing The Opposite of Buying Leads and Running Facebook Ads:

Most Loan Officers are going about their online marketing completely backward and wasting precious time, money, and bandwidth on their lead generation.

We are going to show you the most profitable audience online that almost every loan officer is ignoring and teach you how to tap into it for just $5 per day!

You are also going to leave this training with the strategy and scripts we use to get quality real estate referral partners to book appointments with us from online ads and then give us their leads for free and how we convert those leads into mortgage applications!

You also see how we use Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to generate closed deals for both our mortgage business and our referral partners!

5) Become A More Powerful Version of Yourself As You Learn The 3 Simple Mindset Shifts That Every Top Producer Must Make To Reach Their Next Level!

In order for you to produce double the income their are 3 important mindset shifts that are going to have to happen for you to hit and sustain that goal!

During this final growth plan, you learn what parts of the business top producers learn to let go of and what areas yield the greatest results with the least amount of effort!

Where would you like us to send your free video training?


From Others That Already Have This Information.

"In the past 6 months we have closed 34 new deals as a result of the marketing systems that Chris Johnstone helped set up for us.

We haven't even launched our database marketing system yet!

Mike D.

"I joined MMA to get some tips on how to convert real estate partners but I am just blown away with the value at this point.

In just my first month of following the plan I have already learned how to identify the perfect real estate prospects and booked 6 new appointments and already receivd 4 referrals!"

Justin A.

"Using the Database Activator and the motivation from watching other members of the MMA group I launched my campaign.

I reached out to 49 of my past clients. I received 17 responses and Funded 7 Deals in less than 60 days!

Dan W.

"Originally starting as an originator in July 2016, I was very consistent with 1-2 deals per month. Now, since having member access and implementing the training... I booked 5 loans (this month), next month is 5 loans, and the following month is 8 loans for $2.2 million. What is even better? None of these files have been inherited from existing loan officers. It's all purely my own hard work."

Kristi S.

"The mortgage marketing animals helped me transform my business to a level I never thought possible.

I went from averaging 18 purchase contracts a month to averaging 171 closing a month, and the best part is that I am now working fewer hours and traveling with my family.

I highly recommend it to

every loan officer!"

Robert F.

"My wife Andrea and I joined MMA and then The Freedom Club. At that time we were closing 7 loans a month.

In a ridiculously short period of time, it has made a massive positive change in both our business and personal lives.

We have gone from being chained to the office to now traveling around America in our RV with our family for 6 months out of the year. Every year!

Last month we closed 41 loans without setting foot in the office!

Paul D.

"The mortgage marketing animals transformed my business to a level I never thought possible. I went from averaging 5 purchase contracts a month to averaging 17 contracts a month, and the best part while working less hours and traveling with my family. I highly recommend it to every loan officer."

Eddie F.

"[The program] is fantastic and really helps someone like me who is new to the industry understand these concepts...I am all in on your program and I'm looking forward to succeeding...thank you for everything that you are doing!"

Scott D.

“I’m happy if I got 6 or 7 loans every month...8 loans, and I’m dancing a jig. But I have 24 loans to close [next month], and I attribute that to what we talked about [in The Mortgage Marketing Animals]. I’m going on 29 years in the business and never have been in the practice of asking for business the way I’ve learned to do now.”

Rick M.

“I’ve received so much encouragement and guidance on so many coaching, business coaching, and financial coaching, and I’ve found the coaches at The Mortgage Marketing Animals to be my family. I’ve received so much value from all of them. They are phenomenal!”

Colleen W.

“Before I joined [The Mortgage Marketing Animals] a couple of months ago, I had the most incredibly hard time keeping my production consistent...but I’m just so proud to say that this month I’m gonna close $1.2M in volume, and I already have 3 deals stacked up for next month! I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

Jonathan B.

"Since I joined this group, it has changed my life forever. It has shown me a new way to run my mortgage business and I now have almost tripled my production!"

Heath G.

"I had no idea how much my career would change for the better after joining the Mortgage Marketing Animals. Thank you to these wonderful people!"

John H.

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